4 new reasons to jailbreak your iPhone: copy & paste, spaces, video upload & xgps

If you have been reading the apple iPhone jail breaking news latly then you know that apple is trying to say that if jailbreak your iPhone it’s against the law. Now I’m not about breaking laws but my iPhone is jailbroken and I love it, also jail-breaking my iPhone shouldn’t be a crime either.

But as of right now it’s not a crime and here are four new reasons to jailbreak your iPhone.

#1. Copy and paste: I’m using an app called hclipboard and there’s another hack called clippy. hClipboard even has a template feature to save items in a clipboard to copy when needed.

#2. Tapsb is the app and it’s not even out yet but people are already blogging and post tweets about it. Tapsb brings spaces to your iPhone and makes it easy to jump between your springboard.

#3. I think or hope most people know that with a jailbroken iPhone you can live video stream and record videos but it’s limited for direct video recording to work with Youtube. Now with a new pixelpipe video enabler you can record videos and upload them to vimeo, viddler, flickr (up to 90secs) and other services that pixelpipe support. Please note pixelpipe is in the app store but the video enabled is in cydia.

#4. xgps is a turn by turn gps voice navigation app that is currently at version 1.1. It created some buzz a few weeks ago when a Youtube demo showed the new features for 1.2 which enables the voice navigation and more. The 1.2 was supposed to come out today but they pushed it back.

Now when you think about it all these features should be enabled when you buy the iPhone brand new. Come on Apple, trying to say it’s a crime to jail break my iPhone is like saying it’s a crime to put some 22s on a cadillac.

What is your favorite jailbroken iphone app?

Valentine or the NBA on your iPhone?

I hope everyone had a great valentine’s day. Did you download one of the few valentine iPhone apps to create an iPhone heart to email to send to that special someone or if you’re a NBA fan and you have a special someone to take out to dinner tonight you may want to download the NBA All Star app so you can keep up with all of the weekend activites. Lucky for me the wife and I decided to stay home and watch the NBA all star weekend shows together, then watch a movie later.

Still I wanted to check out the NBA all star app in the app store.

The NBA all star app links to the live videos showing behind the scene action, plus links to past all star weekend videos. The NBA app has a cool mini video preview window at the top right that gives the app a unique kind of picture in picture feature.

Take a look at the screen shots.

What is your favorite geo location based iphone app?

To me there’s three main location based apps for the iPhone: Brightkite, Loopt and Whrrl. The others are playing catch up and have a long way to go. I’m still waiting for google to update their google app with latitude feature to see how that affects my use of the other location based apps, but until then my favorite is Brightkite.

What is your favorite location based app? Do you use location based apps at all or you don’t like anyone (big brother) checking in on you.

Did you enable the gmail location signature feature?

More google juice, now over the air iPhone syncing. Are you using gsync?

Well I thought last week was a big week for google news and the iPhone but it looks like google is still at it. Yesterday mobile users and the tech world was buzzing about google’s new mobile over-the-air sync service (gsync). The gsync uses Microsoft exchange services and works with blackberry and iPhones.

When I first heard about the news I was like, I have mobileme but after further thought and a few tweets with my buddy @DiMambro I decided to ditch MobileMe and use gsync becuae I use google Calendar for all of my appointments anyway. After a quick back up and reading a few blogs @TUAW, I was all set to give gsync a try.

I was surprised at how fast everything synced (contacts and Calendar), my only problem now is that I have squares in my contacts. Anyone having the same problem too?

Are you using google sync on your iPhone or are you staying with mobile me?

How much will you pay for an iPhone app?

I remember reading about how we should get ready for pro iphone apps thats going to cost $25 to $50.00 and it looks like a few pro iphone apps have arrived already. The Marriam-Webster dictionary app cost $24.99 and the LogMein ignition app coat $29.99. Unlike the once $99.99 iPhone app that lasted about two weeks, these app do have either a business or day to day use to them.

How much are you willing to pay for an iPhone app? Have you purchased either the Logmein or Webster iPhone apps?

Google week: Are you reading books on your iphone?

What a week it has been for google, first google latitude, then google books and now dual windows in gmail with labels. I’m all for google latitude and dual gmail windows but I’m wondering how many people are reading web based books on their iPhone.

I shouldn’t be suprised if people are reading books on the iphone as some could say to me, how many people are writing blog post on their iPhone.

What are your thoughts on google books? Have you read a book on your iphone before?